Looking for Assistance With Your IRA Rollover?
There Are Dozens of Ways to Rollover Your IRA…
But Some Are Better Than Others Depending on Your Goals For Retirement.
Get Help Finding Your Best IRA Rollover Options with Steve Jurich
Accredited Investment Fiduciary®, Investment Manager, and Certified Income Specialist™.
How to Rollover Your IRA The S.M.A.R.T. Way
Protect What You've Already Made—Don't Go Backwards
We are living in the age of turmoil. Markets will rise and fall the rest of your life. A cookie-cutter portfolio from a big brokerage could get smashed at precisely the wrong time. Smart planning for retirement means getting a floor under a large part of your money, growing it wisely, and securing steady income.
Create More Income Than You Can Spend—For Life
We must always plan for growth and liquidity, but without secure, safe, and steady income for life, you may worry constantly about markets. Our planning system puts you in the driver’s seat with all the income you need to meet your living and lifestyle expenses.
Prudently Grow Your Money The Right Way: I.Q. Smart Equity Portfolios™
Most people are disappointed with the investment choices offered through their 401ks. Why jump out of the frying pan into the fire? The intelligent approach to your money is to Insure Your Income, Insure Your Outcomes, and Invest The Rest With Purpose® in IQ Wealth dividend and technology portfolios.
Retire and Stay Retired
Choose The S.M.A.R.T. IRA Rollover with IQ Wealth Management®
Accredited Investment Fiduciary® Steve Jurich
As Seen:
Is The Market Too High? Worried About A Crash?
If you’re not feeling calm about your money as you enter retirement, something is wrong. Retiring should be a time of reaping rewards from years of work. But no one can blame you for wondering if the same strategy that got you TO retirement can get you THROUGH retirement.
Everything changes when you retire–you go from CONTRIBUTING to your plan, to WITHDRAWING from it.
When the market fell during your working years, it was very wise to keep contributing. You were growing future wealth. In retirement, when your paydays are no longer there, falling markets are your enemy.
Rather than “buying on the dips” as a younger investor can, you start selling on the dips—accelerating the decline. When you keep withdrawing the same amount from an account that is declining, your money disappears faster.
This is why smart people DO worry about running out of money in retirement. They worry because… It can happen. Therefore, we believe people with higher IQ’s are smart to worry about their money lasting long enough to remain financially independent. They want real solutions, not just a pat on the back.
How To Retire With Confidence
When you’re invested properly, you never need to go a day worrying how all of today’s turmoil will turn out. And that’s not because you’re a naïve optimist or a “positive thinker”, but because you are a realist. Bad things can happen to good people.
You may be confident when you have a precise, math-based plan that provides all the income you need without depleting your savings—while still growing your capital. Rather than a cookie-cutter “hope for the best” pile of mutual funds, you will have a written plan in place.
The IQ Wealth approach–the S.M.A.R.T. IRA Rollover™—gets your core capital out of harm’s way in the right amounts. It keeps you liquid. It keeps you from wondering where your next payday is coming from.
Our clients get the benefit of the IQ Wealth Smarter Bucketing Strategy, which smartly divides your life savings into “buckets”. These buckets address your needs for permanent liquidity, permanent income, and solid equity growth over time.
The Right Way and The Wrong Way
In facing your rollover decision, here’s the problem: if you “keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.” If all you own is a mixed bag of stocks, bonds, Target Date funds, and ETFs, with no protection from market crashes, you could be hurting one day.
If you’re not pleased with the performance you’ve been getting with your current plan, it’s time for a change. We invite you to explore the S.M.A.R.T. Rollover from IQ Wealth. You retire only once. We help people retire every day. It is our only business.
We don’t work with young investors just starting out, buried in debt. We work only with retired and retiring engineers, teachers, health professionals, and business owners with six figure and seven figure accounts, to help them retire and STAY retired. We’ve done it for hundreds of families. We can do it for you.
Protect Yourself With The S.M.A.R.T. IRA Rollover
From IQ Wealth Management® and Accredited Investment Fiduciary® Steve Jurich
Secure income to meet all living and lifestyle expenses, contractually guaranteed
Math-based investments to grow capital over time
Ample liquidity to meet travel, lifestyle, and emergency needs
Retirement done your way, guided by people who treat you with respect and courtesy (and don’t turn you over to a trainee)
The right advisor who will listen to your needs and priorities–with the skill and experience to make it happen
Retire and Stay Retired
Choose The S.M.A.R.T. IRA Rollover with IQ Wealth Management®
Accredited Investment Fiduciary® Steve Jurich
How the Process Works:
The S.M.A.R.T. IRA Rollover at IQ Wealth Management®
No charge for an initial review of your Rollover Strategy and financial plan for retirement.
Free 15 Minute Phone Call
After contacting us, Barb will reach out to set up a brief 15 minute phone call with Steve, or a meeting in our office if you are ready. This call is a great way to get your upfront questions answered. You’ll get some clarity and input on your IRA Rollover options, with no hype or sales pressure. Whether you are rolling over a retirement plan to an IRA, or looking for a better IRA strategy, we’ll make sure your rollover can be done without any tax impact, completely within IRS rules.
Complimentary Retirement Review
Because your retirement dreams, goals, and concerns are unique to you, our first goal is to listen. We then start drawing your Retirement Roadmap. No two plans are identical, yet we have a proven process that works. It’s all about your priorities and your goals. You’ll get 60 minutes with a qualified, experienced advisor. There is no charge for it. As fiduciaries, we only want what is right for you. Our offices are conveniently located in Scottsdale, near the 101 in the Phoenix Metro Area. If you have circumstances that make meeting in person a challenge, we’re happy to set up a Zoom meeting.
Strategy Session
A second in-person meeting occurs if mutually agreed. We’re making progress! At this meeting we’ll get precise about what we can do for you. We’ll “get into the numbers” more deeply and make our recommendations. If you become our client, we will be putting a written plan together for you based on what we learn in the Strategy Session. If you’re ready to begin your plan with IQ Wealth after the Strategy Session (many people are) we get started. We’ll outline all the steps for rolling over to the right IRA strategy, and help you every step of the way. We can begin the process at this meeting, or meet one more time to summarize and review.
Plan Into Action
After reconfirming what we’ve discussed, it will be time to put your plan into action. We have done this hundreds of times and are experts at making sure it’s done right, with no tax consequences. You will have a plan that you can be proud of and that can help you face the future with more confidence. We will be staying in touch throughout the process via email and telephone. Our team will make sure you are always in the loop and your money is safely allocated at Fidelity® Investments.
Retire and Stay Retired
Choose The S.M.A.R.T. IRA Rollover with IQ Wealth Management®
Accredited Investment Fiduciary® Steve Jurich
As Seen:
IQ Wealth® IRA Rollover Options
S.M.A.R.T. Dividend Growth
Do you like the idea of getting paid to own your investments? How about getting a raise every year and compounding your gains. The IQ Wealth Black Diamond Dividend Growth™ Portfolio may be the smartest rules-based dividend strategy in America today. You benefit from our attention to detail and the discipline to choose the type of companies that Warren Buffett calls “virtual monopolies.” Explore the Black Diamond—exclusively from IQ Wealth Management. Custodian Fidelity Institutional.
S.M.A.R.T. Technology Investments
Technology will drive our futures. Put your wealth in the path of progress with The IQ Wealth Blue Diamond Technology Leaders™ portfolio. Our team invests strictly in companies paving the way to the future. Benefit from owning top companies that are most dominant in Aerospace, Robotics, Genetic Science, Medical Technology, Health Care, Internet Technology, Cybersecurity and more. Custodian Fidelity Institutional.
S.M.A.R.T. Retirement Annuities
As pensions disappear for today’s retirees and interest rates on bonds fall to near zero, how will you preserve principal while getting all the income you need for life? Smart retirees have re-discovered financial independence with the right annuities. There are four kinds of annuities and over 1200 to compare. We help you do it with precision–without the sales pitch. No management fees, no advisor fees, exceptional income.
Retire and Stay Retired
Choose The S.M.A.R.T. IRA Rollover with IQ Wealth Management®
Accredited Investment Fiduciary® Steve Jurich
Why Choose IQ Wealth Management®?
Above: Gary K. (Fox Business) gives his thoughts on Steve Jurich
As Seen:
It’s All About You
Retirement is almost like going on vacation for life—but it’s also like going on unemployment. In other words, your rollover is one of the most important financial decisions of your life. Your retirement plan should be focused on you and your needs, not a company’s bottom line. Steve is a Fiduciary for this purpose. There’s no sales pressure, no adviser fees, and no management fees.
Fiduciary Duty
An Accredited Investment Fiduciary® can only make recommendations in your best interest. Steve is an Accredited Investment Fiduciary® and works hard to get to know your needs and goals so the comparison process is as beneficial for you as possible.
Best IRA Rollover Options
Steve surveys the 1200+ annuities on the market today and grades them based on income level, lowest fees, deferral period, and company rating to develop a short list of fewer than 2% of them that are worth your time.
Family First Treatment
You will be treated with respect, like family. You’ll meet directly with Steve and you won’t be passed off in the same way you would with huge firms. You won’t be just a number—You’ll be a friend who knows we will always have your back.
Retire and Stay Retired
Choose The S.M.A.R.T. IRA Rollover with IQ Wealth Management®
Accredited Investment Fiduciary® Steve Jurich
Above: Steve Jurich @ IQ Wealth® Spring Summit
As Seen:
About Steve Jurich
Steve Jurich is an Accredited Investment Fiduciary® who has been helping individuals and families retire and stay retired for more than 20 years. His daily radio broadcasts, financial updates, and steady contact with clients help to separate IQ Wealth Management from the “big box” brokerages. Steve’s clients enjoy world class resources (Fidelity and TD Ameritrade) while maintaining a personal touch. His clients include engineers, teachers, medical professionals, business owners, government workers, accountants, attorneys, and business owners.
Accredited Investment Fiduciary®
Steve has over 20 years of experience assisting clients with the biggest financial decisions in their lives—advising only in their best interest.
Financial Bucketing Professional
Steve is the founder of the IQ Wealth Smarter Bucketing System™ which he created to help his clients achieve a higher level of security, income, and growth in retirement.
Certified Income Specialist™
Steve surveys over 1200 annuities and rejects over 98% of them and has crafted a detailed selection process to help his clients select the right annuity for their specific retirement needs.
Investment Portfolio Leader
Steve conceived, originated, and developed the IQ Wealth Black Diamond Dividend™ Growth Strategy and the IQ Wealth Blue Diamond Technology Leaders™ Porfolio.
Radio Personality
Steve is the host of the daily radio show "Mastering Money" on Money Radio with over 1000 radio appearances.
Amazon Best Selling Author
Steve is the author of "Smart Is the New Rich", an Amazon best-seller that outlines a more predictable and stress-free aproach to retirement funding and financial independence.
Financial Media Contributor
Steve's comments have been seen on Boomberg.com, MarketWatch, and TheStreet.com. He's also a contributor to Kiplinger Online.
Retire and Stay Retired
Choose The S.M.A.R.T. 401k Rollover with IQ Wealth Management®
Accredited Investment Fiduciary® Steve Jurich
Get Your Copy of "Smart is the New Rich" When You Meet Steve
After the initial phone call and during your first appointment, Steve will give you a copy of his best selling book to keep.
"Changed My Thinking"
"Smart Is The New Rich" is a great overview of the many facets of retirement planning. It has changed my thinking about how much capital I have versus how much income I will have in retirement. The book provides easy to understand, side by side comparisons of risks and growth of hypothetical investments in Hybrid Fixed Indexed Annuities and the securities market. A good read and great reference for retirement planning for all age groups!
"Must Read"
I'm a Certified Financial Adviser and if I didn't run my own company I would join this guys'. Seriously, it's a must read in today's new financial reality in fact….I'm handing these books out to many of my clients for free, it's THAT important! Thanks Steve, I hope to meet you in person one of these days.
"Take Notes!"
After looking into annuities, and getting very confused by all the sales lingo, this book was a refreshing change. I appreciated its clear definitions of the different kinds of annuities, their pluses and downsides, and under which circumstances one may work well while another would flop. No hard-sells, no marketing jargon, just good information. Wish the rest of the annuity industry would take notes.
Retire and Stay Retired
Choose The S.M.A.R.T. 401k Rollover with IQ Wealth Management®
Accredited Investment Fiduciary® Steve Jurich
How to Retire and Stay Retired: A Letter From Steve
It really breaks my heart when people don’t plan ahead. Why? Because it’s so easy to do. You don’t fix your roof when it’s raining, you do it when the sun is shining. You’ve worked twenty, thirty, or forty years to be where you are now. How will you make sure your money lasts another thirty or forty? By planning. Americans have worked hard their whole life, got up every morning, and provided for their families. They’ve contributed to the growth of this nation through their effort. Congratulations. You were part of making this country great. Now it’s time to keep making it great by making your retirement a success.
Because of the kind of work you did and the time you put in, you’ve truly earned retirement. But retirement is not all sunshine and lollipops. Without a plan for all that could go wrong, it’s hard to make things go right. It’s sad that many people don’t plan for market downturns with easy, logical shifts in their allocations. Instead, they end up getting hit hard with unexpected and prolonged market crashes that inevitably come their way.
Here is a key point I want you to chew around: A goal without a plan is just a wish. A retirement without permanent, lasting income is not yet complete. You apparently understand that, which is why you are on this page, seeking answers--seeking a safer way to retire.
Because after all, wouldn’t it be cool if we didn’t have to plan for recessions, inflation, or market crashes? If only the market would cooperate and just keep going up from now on. Our bank accounts would just keep swelling and stress would be out the window. But we all know that’s not how it is. For the rest of your life and mine, governments will overspend, markets will overbuy, and things eventually run into the ditch.
Which brings us to what a successful financial plan for retirement is all about. It isn’t just how much money you HAVE, it’s really about how much money you have coming in– and how reliable that income is. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone had a pension that kicked in when they retired? But the truth is that fewer and fewer people don’t have a pension, and even the ones that do, need more income for retirement to feel really secure.
That said, many people do have an IRA, 401k, 403b, or TSP plan of six or seven figures. It provided a way to grow their personal wealth by contributing part of every paycheck for thirty years or more. These are all great options for getting to retirement. They are not always best for getting through retirement.
Boy, wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t have to plan for recessions, inflation, or market crashes? If only the market would cooperate and just always be rising. Our bank accounts would just go up and up and up and up…
But we all know that governments will overspend, markets will overbuy, and things eventually run into the ditch.
Which brings us to what a successful financial plan for retirement is all about. It isn’t just how much money you HAVE, it’s really about how much money have coming in and how reliable that income is.
Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone had a pension that kicked in when they retired?
But the truth is that fewer and fewer people don’t have a pension and even the ones that do, need more income for retirement to feel really secure.
Now, many people do have an IRA, 401k, 403b, or TSP plan and it provided a way to grow their personal wealth by contributing part of every paycheck for thirty years or more. These are all great options for getting TO retirement.
If you have a solid amount saved in your retirement plan, It warms my heart to hear this, because it means that I’m talking to someone who knows how to stick with discipline, and has planned ahead. Your discipline got you to retirement just fine. The next challenge, I know you’ll agree, is getting THROUGH retirement.
Now, there are two types of financial plans:
“Hope So” plans and “Know So” plans.
A “hope so” plan would be one that is optimistic at the core, and still carries an unreasonable or inappropriate amount of risk based on a person’s current stage of life. The risks are either accepted or ignored.
A “know so” plan is one that confronts the problem and seeks to solve it. It realizes that the stock market, although filled with opportunity, also carries a great deal of risk. For a person of thirty-five, a correction of 40% or 50% is an opportunity. Throw more money in would be my advice. For a person of 55 or 65 drawing income from their investments, a crash of forty or fifty percent is a disaster. Yes, markets come back, but they won’t always snap back like the Covid 19 recovery. During your thirty or forty years of retirement, you may experience three or four “whoppers”—category 5 hurricanes. They don’t come back so fast.
Therefore, it is my belief—shared by a growing number of retiring engineers, teachers, physicians, business owners, tech workers and health care workers—that it is wise to reduce your risk at retirement. It is fine to keep money in the market inside your “growth bucket”, but is very smart to section off and dedicate a big part of your life savings toward income and preservation. Let the storms come—your retirement is still intact.
Remember: the day you retire is the day you leave the accumulation phase of your life, and enter the preservation phase. Those who missed this idea when they retired in 1999 or 2007 paid a dear price.
So, if it is not the wisest idea to keep all our money at risk in retirement, where can we put money to keep it safe, keep a lasting income rolling in, and protect our heirs? The answer, once upon a time, was government bonds. They once paid 7%. A million dollars in treasury bonds once yielded $70,000 a year. Today, the yield is less than one percent. A million in treasury bonds today yields more like $7,000! No one wants to tie up money at rates so low.
Now you know why logical people are turning to annuities. Every year, more than $200 Billion in annuities are acquired. Annuities are issued by state regulated, state audited life insurance companies with an excellent safety record.
So, if you find yourself considering annuities, you are being logical. That said, getting overwhelmed by poor information can happen easily. Type in the word annuity into google, and there are more than 300,000 pages to explore. Wow. How does a person consume and digest that much information? Especially when the decision on where to place the money that must last the rest of your days is so important.
Let’s do a quick overview to help you eliminate hours of searching. It’s very important to understand there are 4 very distinct categories of annuities and they aren’t all created equal, nor do they behave similarly. Selecting the wrong type of annuity is where things get sticky. With over 1200 annuities on the market today, and hundreds of agents in your area, its hard to jump right in and feel confident.
After all, we’re talking about one of the most important financial decision of your life, involving the protection of everything you’ve worked for. So…yeah. It’s not something you want to guess on.
Getting the right annuity can change your life and make your retirement. Imagine a secure IRA ROLLOVER that combines the power of a pension, yet allows you to grow your money without market losses. Your principal is protected against loss 24/7 yet you are able to share in upward gains of a select market index--without a cap.
You go up with your money, never down, forward never back, staying in control of your principal always—the insurance company does NOT keep your money when you die.
…when crazy market events come along, we learn how vulnerable we really are. Having a floor under your money in retirement is not only smart, it is now NECESSARY. Now is the perfect time to make your move to safety, preservation, income, and upside potential without the risk of market loss.
The world is getting crazier and you aren’t getting younger. Get some guarantees for you and your spouse that won’t get blown away in the next crash.
The first step in building a plan to withstand the 2020s is to build a firewall between RISK you are taking in the market-- and the money you can’t afford to lose under any circumstances. Many investors unfortunately throw all their money into one big pot of non-guaranteed, flimsy mutual funds. When a crash comes, they’re devastated.
A better strategy is to dedicate a share of your funds from your portfolio to a high quality NEXT GENERATION lifetime retirement annuity that won’t lock up your money, yet will pay you much more income using fewer dollars than any bond —In fact you can own a lifetime income for two people of from five to nine percent depending on age and deferral period.
Some investors tend to ride stocks up, then ride stocks down—then retire, only to find themselves withdrawing steady income from a declining balance. This leads to a very poor, worry-ridden retirement. Instead, why not plan to have more money coming in than you can spend---without worrying if you will run out?
With the IQ WEALTH SMARTER BUCKETING system, each dollar in your portfolio has a job to do. It is a Know So plan.
Your high income NEXT GENERATION annuities combine with your social security to keep the income pouring in to your checking account, rain or shine. In a separate bucket, you own well chosen investments for pure growth.
You may be thinking that an annuity is a possible fit for your financial plan. Caution: not all annuities are alike just like there are Fords, Chevy’s, and Tesla’s. Frankly, the reality is that there are a lot of “turkeys” out there. I want you to steer clear of those. Unfortunately, you need to be careful because many agents—as polite and nice as they sound-- are just looking for a sale. It’s not always their fault. Some are inexperienced and lacking in deeper knowledge.
With more than 25 years experience, our unique system compares annuities on five key factors. The result: we reject more than 98% of all annuities on the market today. Fewer than two percent of annuities make my recommendation list. I rank annuities based on rate of income, lowest fees, index growth potential, special features like long term care, protection for heirs, and company ratings with AM Best and Standard & Poors.
Did you know you can get solid annuity information without talking to a high pressure sales person? You can. We invite you to experience an educational process to determine: a) if an annuity is a good idea for you b) which annuity would be the best fit. We want to help make sure you understand what you’re getting from an annuity, how to avoid “locking up” your money with the wrong one, and how to gain the confidence that you and your spouse will be able to retire, and stay retired.
To Your Financial Future,
Steve Jurich
Founder IQ Wealth Management®
Accredited Investment Fiduciary®, Certified Income Specialist™, Investment Manager
Or, if you prefer, you can: Schedule Online
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather that it shall never have a beginning
Above: Steve Jurich, IQ Wealth Management®
Retire and Stay Retired
Choose The S.M.A.R.T. 401k Rollover with IQ Wealth Management®
Accredited Investment Fiduciary® Steve Jurich
The Financial Planning Association® Code of Ethics
As members of the Financial Planning Association®, we work to maintain a fiduciary standard and to adhere to the Code of Ethics set forth by the Financial Planning Association®
An FPA member shall offer and provide professional services with integrity.
FPA members may be placed by clients in positions of trust and confidence. The ultimate source of such public trust is the FPA member’s personal integrity. In deciding what is right and just, an FPA member should rely on his or her integrity as the appropriate touchstone.
Integrity demands honesty and candor, which must not be subordinated to personal gain and advantage. Within the characteristic of integrity, allowance can be made for innocent error and legitimate difference of opinion; but integrity cannot co-exist with deceit or subordination of one’s principles.
Integrity requires an FPA member to observe not only the letter but also the spirit of this Code.
An FPA member shall provide services to clients competently and maintain the necessary knowledge and skill to continue to do so in those areas in which the designee is engaged.
One is competent only when he or she has attained and maintained an adequate level of knowledge and skill, and applies that knowledge effectively in providing services to clients. Competence also includes the wisdom to recognize the limitations of that knowledge and when consultation or client referral is appropriate.
In addition to assimilating the common body of knowledge required and acquiring the necessary experience, an FPA member shall make a continuing commitment to learning and professional improvement.
An FPA member shall not disclose any confidential client information without the specific consent of the client unless in response to proper legal process, to defend against charges of wrongdoing by the FPA member or in connection with a civil dispute between the FPA member and client.
A client, by seeking the services of an FPA member, may be interested in creating a relationship of personal trust and confidence with the FPA member. This type of relationship can only be built upon the understanding that information supplied to the FPA member or other information will be confidential.
In order to provide the contemplated services effectively and to protect the client’s privacy, the FPA member shall safeguard the confidentiality of such information.
An FPA member shall be objective in providing professional services to clients.
Objectivity requires intellectual honesty and impartiality. It is an essential quality for any professional. Regardless of the particular service rendered or the capacity in which an FPA member functions, an FPA member should protect the integrity of his or her work, maintain objectivity, and avoid subordination of his or her judgment that would be in violation of this Code.
An FPA member shall perform professional services in a manner that is fair and reasonable to clients, principals, partners, and employers and shall disclose conflict(s) of interest(s) in providing such services.
Fairness requires impartiality, intellectual honesty, and disclosure of conflict(s) of interest(s). It involves a subordination of one’s own feelings, prejudices, and desires so as to achieve a proper balance of conflicting interests. Fairness is treating others in the same fashion that you would want to be treated and is an essential trait of any professional.
An FPA member’s conduct in all matters shall reflect credit upon the profession.
Because of the importance of the professional services rendered by FPA members, there are attendant responsibilities to behave with dignity and courtesy to all those who use those services, fellow professionals, and those in related professions.
An FPA member also has an obligation to cooperate with fellow FPA members to enhance and maintain the profession’s public image and to work jointly with other FPA members to improve the quality of services. It is only through the combined efforts of all FPA members in cooperation with other professionals, that this vision can be realized.
An FPA member shall act diligently in providing professional services.
Diligence is the provision of services in a reasonably prompt and thorough manner. Diligence also includes proper planning for and supervision of the rendering of professional services.
Copyright © 2014 FPA All rights reserved
While our firm, advisors and strategic partners may be members of organizations or may appear on a media outlet periodically, no endorsement is accepted or implied. We encourage and require that clients and prospective clients make financial decisions based on the merits of the offering, not on other factors. Listening to radio shows or reading articles does not begin a relationship with us. Only upon a personal and in-depth review can we discover what recommendations are suitable for you.
Retire and Stay Retired
Choose The S.M.A.R.T. 401k Rollover with IQ Wealth Management®
Accredited Investment Fiduciary® Steve Jurich
Steve Jurich (AIF®, CIS®, Investment Manager)
As Seen:
Online Scheduling
After filling out the form below, you'll receive a call from Barb to schedule a good time for a phone call with Steve, or if you prefer, a visit to the Office to meet in person. Steve is prepared to answer all of your questions. Heck, even if you ran into him at the grocery store, he'd be ready. Helping people secure their retirement is what Steve does best. He's here for you.
Annuity guarantees rely on the financial strength of the issuing insurer. Annuities are long term income and preservation vehicles which may carry early surrender charges for a period of time, after which there are no surrender charges. Please see your annuity agreement for details and get a clear understanding before moving forward. A free second opinion service is available.
All written content on this site is for information purposes only. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of IQ Wealth Management and our editorial staff. Material presented is believed to be from reliable sources, however, we make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness. All information and ideas should be discussed in detail with your individual adviser prior to implementation. Fee based financial planning and investment advisory services are offered by IQ Wealth Management, a Registered Investment Advisor in the State of Arizona. Insurance products and services are offered through IQ Retirement Planning, Inc. The presence of this web site shall in no way be construed or interpreted as a solicitation to sell or offer to sell investment advisory services to any residents of any State other than the State of Arizona or where otherwise legally permitted. All references to locations outside of Arizona relate to our insurance services division only. Steve Jurich is a licensed life and annuity agent authorized in multiple states including California. (License 0b85609). Because our portfolios often allocate a combination of securities and insurance based products, we believe it is important for the consumer to understand the difference. Securities can and do lose money. Fixed index annuities should be viewed as long term income vehicles. Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits are optional rider benefits for premium avaialble on some annuities, not available in all states. All guarantees are contractual guarantees provided by the claims paying ability of the insurer. Early surrenders beyond penalty free withdrawal privileges may incure surrender charges. Withdrawals prior to age 59 1/2 may incur tax penalties. Income rider values are are designed to generate contractually guaranteed income streams based on pooled reserves, and are separate from accumulated values. No specific investment, tax, or legal advice is being given and no offer is made to sell or buy any security, nor any specific insurance product. Always consult your tax preparer for tax advice. Past performance of all financial vehicles and indexes should not be relied upon to predict future results.Income and withdrawal guarantees on fixed index annuities refer to income values, not interest rates on accumulation values. Income withdrawal benefits are drawn from accumulation values. When withdrawal rates exceed interest rates on accumulation values, accumulation values are in position to fall. When withdrawal rates are less than interest rates on accumulation values, accumulation values are in position to rise. See your annuity documents for details.
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